It's possible to accidentally trigger a bug in the section Midgard Serpent Pool: Climbing Down to the Middle Level. If you climb down the handholds on the first column, jump to the column on the left and then climb back up to the entrance, you may create a situation in which it is not possible to continue. Once the break-away handholds have disappeared, if you cross another checkpoint and then reload the game, those handholds will be gone forever (as shown in the first screenshot below), preventing you from climbing down to the middle level this way.
If that happens, you can either reload a save from before you broke the handholds or try the alternate path described here.
The following sequence is also shown in this gameplay video.
 This picture shows the columns with the handholds gone, preventing you from climbing around behind them.
 From the entrance, go all the way around the upper-level walkway to the far side of the room. Lara will then be facing the entrance across the pool with the statue of Thor on her right.
 Look down to spot the statue's shield, which has a shiny metal ring on it. Grapple the ring. (If you can't catch the ring with the grapple right away, try stepping a little closer to the edge and/or using manual aim to target the ring and then fire the grapple.)
 Pull on the cable to move the shield until it is parallel with the walkway on the left, as shown in the screenshot above. Then, when the shield is positioned correctly, walk around the corner to the left so Lara is overlooking statue.
 Stand at the edge of the walkway where there's a slight bump protruding out over the pool. Turn so Lara is facing toward the entrance and jump forward, almost parallel with the edge of the walkway, to land on the top edge of the shield down below. (This jump is a little tricky, but if you line it up this way and jump toward Thor's fist, Lara can make it.)
 Once Lara has landed on the edge of the shield, turn left and jump to grab the handhold on the square column. Climb all the way around to the left.
 Position Lara at the corner of the column so the ledge is behind her and jump back to land there.
 Once Lara reaches the corner of the column, you want to move quickly, because 2 Mayan thralls emerge from the pool at the far end of the ledge. If you jump back right away, you'll have time to fire a few shots before they're upon Lara. Just take care not to accidentally back up into the crack in the floor. When they fall, 2 more thralls emerge.
After you've destroyed all four walking dead, pick up the health potion and smash the clay jar next to it to find a treasure (47/50). (These goodies are circled in the screenshot above.)
From here on, you can follow the normal walkthrough, beginning with the section titled Second Serpents Head.
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