While standing on the same block that you grabbed after swinging across the pool, turn to face the big statue of Thor. Grapple the metal ring on the side of his shield and pull to move the shield toward you. Keep tugging until the shield is parallel to the walkway on the left (as shown in the screenshots below). You may have to adjust Lara's position on the stone block to get the leverage you need to pull the shield into place.
 Now jump to grab the horizontal crevice on the front of the shield. Climb to the left along the shield.
 Then jump back to grab the column behind. Climb to the left all the way around the column.
 Position Lara at the corner of the column so the ledge is behind her and jump back to land there.
 Once Lara reaches the corner of the column, you want to move quickly, because 2 Mayan thralls emerge from the pool at the far end of the ledge. If you jump back right away, you'll have time to fire a few shots before they're upon Lara. Just take care not to accidentally back up into the crack in the floor. When they fall, 2 more thralls emerge.
After you've destroyed all four walking dead, pick up the health potion and smash the clay jar next to it to find a treasure (47/50). (These goodies are circled in the screenshot above.)
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