At the edge of the ledge overlooking the pool, opposite the stairs and near where you found the health potion earlier, there's a flat section of the ledge on which Lara can hang.
 While hanging here you can see several flat handholds on the side of the column below. Drop down three times to grab the lowest of the handholds. The third drop is a long one, so you'll need to press Interact to do a saving grab. This brittle handhold immediately starts to crack under Lara's weight, so quickly traverse around the corner of the column to the right before the handhold crumbles, dumping Lara in the eitr. Continue to move quickly, as the handhold breaks off behind Lara. Remember you can tap Interact to move faster. Traverse all the way around to the opposite side of the column from where you started.
 Climb all the way to the right and jump to grab the next column. Here it may help to center the camera behind Lara first to make sure she jumps in the right direction. (I haven't done this in the screenshot above in order to show both columns at the same time.)
 As soon as you reach the next handhold it begins to crack. So quickly climb to the right and jump to the flat ledge.
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