Grab one of the lowest handholds on the side of the tower. Wait for the ring above to rotate so there's another small handhold directly above and then jump up to grab it.
 Again, wait for the rings to rotate until one of the horizontal poles comes around and then jump up to grab it.
 Jump up to stand on the pole and walk inward along the pole so Lara is facing the tower. Wait for a handhold to pass overhead and jump up to grab it.
 Jump straight up to stand on top of the handhold.
 Wait for another pole to swing by overhead. Jump up to grab it and climb hand over hand out to the middle of the pole.
 Pull up to stand on top of it and then walk in toward the tower. Jump up to grab the edge of the circular ledge and pull up.
 Once Lara is standing on the first level of the tower, go carefully around the walkway and pick up a health potion. Then find the panel with glyphs that glow when Lara touches them. Grab onto it and walk to the left, rotating this entire section of the tower.
 When the panel is aligned correctly, a second beam of light strikes the ground, indicating that the second part of the gate lock has been opened.
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