Hang from the edge of the ledge where you found the health potion and drop to grab the narrow, broken ledge below. Traverse to the right. (Don't worry about the gap here; Lara will move right past it.) Continue traversing to the right out onto the jutting stone beam.
 Pull up to stand on it. Then jump forward to grab the handhold on the wall ahead. Climb to the right around two corners so Lara is hanging above another horizontal handhold. Don't drop down, though.
 Instead jump back to land on the stone beam behind.
 Walk to the end of it. Now, if you don't want the next treasure, turn left and jump to the next beam. Then jump forward to grab the nearest handhold on the wall ahead. (Return to the PAGODA AREA - UPPER LEVEL section of the main walkthrough and continue toward the exit.)
If you do want the treasure, walk to the end of the first beam and jump to perch on the pointed column ahead.
 Jump forward to grab the lower of the two horizontal stone bands on the wall ahead. Jump up to grab the band above and climb to the right as far as Lara will go.
 Make sure you've climbed around the corner before jumping back to grab the ledge with the treasure (22/30). Traverse to the right, pull up and take your prize.
 To get back, jump from the ledge to the pointed column. Then turn right and jump to grab the lower of the two horizontal stone bands on the wall ahead. Climb to the left and jump to grab the shorter stone handhold ahead on this same wall. Now continue toward the exit following the PAGODA AREA - UPPER LEVEL section of the main walkthrough.
[Return to the Bhogavati Walkthrough]
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