The third treasure is located in another underground chamber. Swim out of the puzzle room through the wide door where you first entered. Turn right and look for a rough mound overgrown with seaweed. Behind the seaweed is a doorway.
 Swim through it. . .
 . . . and then down and to the right into the room below.
NOTE: It's quite dark in here, so if you haven't done so already, turn on Lara's Utility Light. To turn it on and off press Delete (PC) or D-Pad down (PS3, Xbox).
 Swim forward through the rectangular doorway.
 Ahead on the right you'll see another pedestal, this one empty. It was probably made to hold the handle that was already in place when you arrived.
 Turn around so the pedestal is behind Lara. Then swim through the opening above the pile of rocks straight ahead.
 In the area beyond, there are 3 jellyfish. The treasure (3/26) is below and to the right of them. Take it and swim out the way you came.
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