The following sequence is also shown in this gameplay video.
 After aligning the walkway with the exit, as described in the main walkthrough, climb back up the carved panel to the circular platform. Cross the walkway toward the door, but DO NOT LEAVE YET. When you exit this area, THOR'S GAUNTLET stops working and Lara loses her super powers.
 Instead go halfway across the walkway and hang from the left edge. Climb to the left or right if necessary so Lara is hanging near the metal ring on the wall below. Let go and quickly grapple the ring.
 Adjust the length of the cable so Lara is hanging at or just above the level of the ledges to the left and right. Wall run and jump to the ledge on the left at the outside edge of the room.
 Grab the movable wall and pull it (counterclockwise) just past the next vertical support, leaving space on the left for Lara to squeeze through. (If you shift the camera so it's above Lara looking down, you'll notice a ledge above and behind her. That's where the relic is hidden.) Go through the space on the left to the other side of the wall.
 Grapple the metal ring on this side and wall run back to the ledge near the hub. Turn left and jump the gap in the ledge.
 Then climb the carved panel to the circular platform on top.
 If you've aligned the walkway as described, the end should be about halfway between the ledge on the left, where the relic is, and the ledge on the right near the exit (as shown above). Go to the end of the walkway and jump over to the ledge on the left.
 You'll find the RELIC lying on the floor behind the Thor statue's massive left shoulder. Take it and jump back to the walkway. Then jump across to the ledge near the exit.
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