From the platform where you get silver reward #8, turn so the pool is on Lara's right. Jump from the edge of the platform to grab the crevice in the dark column of rock with the slope on one side.
- OR -
 Alternatively, from the floor, following the orange arrows in these screenshots, go to the freestanding climbing rock nearby and grab onto the crevice. Jump back to grab the horizontal bar. Swing around it and jump to grab the vertical bar. Jump to grab the horizontal bar on the C-shaped frame. Swing around it and jump. . .

. . . to grab the vertical bar mounted on the wall. Jump to the right to grab the crevice in the rock. Climb around the corner to the right and then jump up to grab the higher crevice.
(Here, the two paths converge. Continue, following the yellow arrows in the screenshot above.) Climb around the corner to the right. Let go to land on the slope. Before Lara can slide off, jump to grab the horizontal crevice on the light gray rock to the right.
 Jump straight up to grab the green handholds. Climb up then jump to the right to grab the horizontal crevice in the same rock.
 Climb to the right end of the crevice. Lean away from the wall and jump back to grab the horizontal pole that extends from the movable climbing wall.
 Swing around the pole and jump to grab the next horizontal bar, which hangs from the ceiling and is angled a bit diagonally.
 Adjust Lara's position left to right if necessary. Then swing around the bar and jump to grab the next horizontal bar, which also hangs from the ceiling at a slightly odd angle. Adjust left to right again, swing around the bar and jump to the suspended platform ahead.
 Position Lara at the edge of the platform, squarely facing the reward, so she'll be ready to jump when the time comes. Attach the magnetic grapple to the ledge below the reward and pull to bring the platform on which Lara is standing closer to the alcove. When you can't pull any more, quickly release the grapple and jump forward into the alcove. Take the silver reward (9/10).
 To get down, step off the edge to grab the horizontal bar below. Drop to the bar below that, then to the floor.
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