Climb over the crates nearest the door in the fence. With Lara standing on the crate in the corner between the fence and the wall, turn so the fence is on Lara's left. Pull the crate in front of her toward the wall. Pull several times to move it as far as it will go. You won't be able to pull it all the way with Lara standing there, but after doing this, the crates will be arranged as shown in the screenshot below.
 Climb over the crate and push it from the other side toward the wall. After doing this, the crates will be arranged as shown in the screenshot below.
 Climb onto the crate you just moved and turn to face the topmost crate in the stack. (Do not climb onto the topmost crate or jump straight upward while standing here. If you do, Lara will suffer fatal steam burns.) Pull the topmost crate toward the fence as far as it will go. Again, you won't be able to move it all the way with Lara standing there. Pull it several times to gradually inch it toward the fence. After doing this, the crates will be arranged as shown in the screenshot below.
 Again, do not climb over the topmost crate to get to the other side of it. Climb down and go around. Climb onto the two crates next to the stack of three. Then sidestep to the left onto the narrow ledge formed after moving the topmost crate. If you have trouble with that, try turning so Lara's back is toward the fence and then sidestep to the right. Or, use stealth mode, which seems to work well. Push the topmost crate toward the fence to get an upper-body strength upgrade.
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