Serpent Rouge - Garage Entrance - Bernard's Mission

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After entering the garage using the EX-JANITOR'S KEY, as described in the Parisian Ghetto walkthrough...

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...check the counters and cabinets to find a SOCKET SPANNER (that's a wrench in American), Desert Ranger clip, Impactor batteries, bandages, and an antique flintlock. (1-5) (Be sure to check both compartments of each locker.)

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Use the switch on the side of the lift to raise the jeep, revealing a trapdoor below, as well as a glimpse into the office at the top of the stairs. Use the lever next to the desk to open the trapdoor.

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In the process, Lara gets an upper-body strength upgrade.

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She can now break down the office door at the top of the stairs.

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Enter and pick up the DESERT RANGER semi-automatic (6) and more ammo (7) for it (two separate pickups).

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At this point, even if you're planning to use stealth, you may want to equip a weapon, just to familiarize yourself with the mechanics. (Open your Inventory, select Weapons, scroll to the one you want—here I'd recommend the M-V9, since you should have a fair amount of ammo by now—and return to the game. Press Draw Weapon to holster/draw that gun when you need it. Press Action to fire.) Note the way ammo is tracked at the top left. For example, if the counter reads "2/12," twelve is the number of rounds in the current clip. Two is the number of backup clips available. When Lara runs through the current clip, she'll automatically reload.

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Return downstairs and drop through the trapdoor. Climb down to the lower crate and pick up M-V9 ammo (8) and a chocolate bar (9) (again, two separate pickups).

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Follow the hallway to the end and climb the ladder.

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Pick up the vintage Cognac (10) on the floor near the stack of liquor boxes. The door at the top of the steps (behind Lara in this screenshot) is locked. So use the SOCKET SPANNER you found in the garage to repair the switch on the wall. (If you missed the spanner, you can go back and get it now.)

NOTE: The "Hit the Floor" achievement/trophy requires you to complete the next several encounters with stealth. So you may want to save here and read ahead to see what needs to be done.

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When you're ready, use the switch you just repaired to call the dumbwaiter. You can't get at the ammo in the dumbwaiter yet, but turning it on attracts a security guard (1), who comes downstairs and unlocks the door. Roll, run forward, and crouch behind the wood panel below the chain-link fence or behind the wooden crate at the top of the steps. The guard will shine his flashlight around but not notice Lara. When he's gone, follow him through the door he unlocked. Continue up the stairs. (Maybe save again if things have gone well.) Then proceed through the next door.

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The first guard (1), will be here in the main room, along with a second guard (2). You can kill both with stealth, but this strategy is kind of hit-or-miss and depends on where they are in their rounds when you enter. If Lara is spotted, reload and try again. If they don't notice her immediately, enter stealth mode, move to the right, and crouch behind the speaker cabinet closest to the bar, so the guards can't see Lara. Wait for the two guards to separate. When the first guard's back is turned and the second guard (in the tactical vest) approaches the DJ booth...

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...make sure Lara is in stealth-monkey pose, sneak up behind him...

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...and press Action to subdue him quietly. For now, ignore the ammo he drops.

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Instead, sneak back to your hiding place behind the speaker.

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Wait for the first guard to turn away.

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Then sneak up behind him...

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...and take him down. Of course, you can also just shoot both of them. Whatever floats your boat.

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Both guards drop M-V9 ammo (11-12) or the gun if you still don't have it. Do not use the switch in the DJ booth yet. Doing so turns on the hot disco beats, alerting more guards.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)