Updated: 2/6/25(†)
Items: 14, including 5 health items, 1 chocolate, 3 treasure
Kills: 2
Upgrades: Lower Body
At various points in this level, Lara comes under fire from the police helicopter; however, as long as you move at a moderate pace, she won't take too much damage. Trying to hurry and falling from the rooftops is much more dangerous.
ROOFTOP TO ROOFTOP: Climb the ladder ahead and use the wire to traverse across the alley. Lara explains what to do: Stand below the wire and press Jump to grab it. Press forward to swing across. When you reach the obstacle, hold Duck and Up cursor to pull Lara's legs up and continue forward past the obstacle. Release duck, continue to the ledge and drop.
Move under the small enclosure with the crates. Pick up bandages (1). Beyond the crates is a section of roof with a ladder on it. Activate walk mode and move carefully down this ladder. Lara can still slide off if you step off the ladder. At the bottom, jump to grab the edge of the roof across the gap and pull up. (This screenshot shows the spot.) Crawl into the box to get more bandages (2). (You'll need to come out of crouch position to actually pick them up.)
There are two ways to get down from here. The more stylish is to walk to the edge, turn around and slide backwards (Action + Down) to crash through the skylight and grab the edge of the opening. Then tap Action again to drop to the floor. (By doing this, you will miss the doubloons in the hall below because the door only opens from the outside; however, this is not a necessary item.)
If you want all pickups, turn around so the box where you got the bandages is behind Lara. Walk to the edge of the roof and then safety drop onto the small landing between the two buildings. You can see a large health pack below. You'll get that shortly. For now, open the door and enter the second building. Pick up Antique Doubloons (3) in the hallway and continue to the next room. (This is where you land if you crash through the skylight.)
Get the M-V9 ammo (4) on the floor to the right and a chocolate bar (5) on the small table. Exit through the door near the table. You emerge on a walkway outdoors. Ahead are a door and a ladder.
ALLEYWAYS: Walk to the ladder and climb to the top. Here there's a storage tank of some kind and another short ladder. Climb it to find V-packer ammo (6).
NOTE: If you like, you can take a big shortcut here To go directly to the end of the level, go to the far side of the roof and slide down. Now Lara is on a walkway between two sloping roofs. Pick up some health pills (14, below) on the ground to the left, then head toward the other end of the roof. Climb the short ladder and take a running jump across the alley to the next rooftop. Behind the little shed you'll find some Antique Doubloons (13, below). Approach the far side of the roof to trigger the final cut scene.
To continue the long way, with all pickups, after getting the V-packer cartridges, drop back down through the opening with the short ladder, return to the long ladder, and climb down to the ground.
You land near a flaming barrel. First, go left, around the corner, past a closed garage door and left again into a dead-end alley with a large health pack (7). Get it and return to the end of the alley. To the left is a chain-link fence with razor wire on top. There's a gap in the razor wire on the left side where Lara can climb over. Beyond the fence is a rottweiler (1) and a dumpster with Impactor batteries (8) inside. You can shoot or punch/kick the dog, or just avoid it as you jump into the dumpster to get the batteries, jump back out and then climb back over the fence.
Return down the slope past the roll-up door to the ladder and flaming barrel. Find the movable tank to the left of the ladder and pull it toward the flaming barrel to gain a lower-body strength upgrade.
Continue past the flaming barrel to a corner with a heap of wooden cable spools. Pick up M-V9 ammo (9) on the ground. Continue around the corner and crawl under the partially open roll-up door.
NOTE: Ahead, beyond the roll-up door is another chain link fence that Lara can climb. However, there's only a mean old dog (2) on the other side. No goodies. So unless you want all kills, you can avoid it.
EMPTY WAREHOUSE: Inside the building there's a large health pack (10) on the floor near a climbable pipe. This pipe leads up to the door where you would have entered had you not come down the ladder. No need to go there now. Instead, climb onto the box on the other side of the room and jump to grab the ledge to the left (i.e., left when Lara's back is to the roll-up door). Pull up and cross the ledge to the other side.
If you've gotten the lower body upgrade earlier, Lara will tell you she can make the jump across the room. Take a running jump across the room to grab the narrow ledge on the other side. Traverse to the left and pull up. (To go back for the upgrade, crawl back outside, head to the right around the corner and find the movable crate. Pull it as far as you can to strengthen Lara's legs. Return to the warehouse and make that jump.)
Climb the ladder to the walkway above. Dismount on the right and pick up V-Packer normal ammo (11). Jump the gap and exit through the door. Follow the hallway past a door that doesn't open to a second door. Go through to an alley with fire escapes and a guard dog (2) below (if you didn't kill him earlier). Jump across to the fire escape. Go down one flight and get some Antique Doubloons (12). Then climb to the top of the fire escape. Enter the building, climb another ladder and go through a door to emerge on the roof.
FINAL ROOFTOP: Go around the back of the structure to find more Antique Doubloons (13). You don't have to do this last part, but if you want every pick up, go to the edge of the building nearest the hovering helicopter. At the break in the fence take a running jump to grab the rooftop on the other side. Pull up and go forward to find some health pills (14). Return the way you came but, instead of jumping across the gap between the buildings, climb the short ladder and take the jump from the higher roof.
When you're ready to end the level, approach the side of the Final Rooftop farthest from the helicopter.
Cut scene: The police helicopter corners Lara on the rooftop. She makes a daring leap to a drainpipe, then falls into a dumpster. Our heroine emerges unscathed and heads off to find Von Croy's friend Margot Carvier.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 1/16/07 - Added the area with the dumpster and taser batteries (several people corrected me about this and I thank them); made a few other changes for clarity.
2/6/25 - Added running item, kill, and notebook entry counts, which hopefully will be useful in the upcoming Remaster.
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Copyright © 2003- - Stellalune (). I am eternally grateful to the members of the alt.games.tombraider newsgroup, whose contributions to this walkthrough are numerous. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.