(1) Position Lara facing the center platform as she pulls the rope. After pulling it three times, run forward off the platform onto the ledge below. Run to the right and jump to the thin stone ledge. Run along the thin stone ledge and jump at the end to land on the paler stone block with the bi-level top.
 Alternate Path from Rope to Bi-Level Block: pull the rope, hop back once, angle Lara to the right and take a running jump off the corner of the platform to land on the thin stone ledge. Be sure not to press Action during this jump or Lara won't get enough distance. Run along the thin stone ledge and jump at the end to land on the paler stone block with the bi-level top.
 Another Alternate Path from Rope to Bi-Level Block: Pull the rope, side-flip to the right and slide down onto the steps. Turn right to face the thin stone ledge, then run underneath it. You'll run into the tall block with the bi-level top. Jump straight up to grab the edge and pull up onto it.
 Yet Another Alternate Path from Rope to Bi-Level Block: Start with Lara's back to the center platform. Pull the rope, backflip, then roll. Lara will wind up in the spot shown above. Run forward and veer right, jumping to land on the thin stone ledge. Run along the thin stone ledge and jump at the end to land on the paler stone block with the bi-level top.
 (2) Set up the next jump: Turn left and walk to the top edge of the bi-level block. Hop back once, and then take a running jump to grab the edge of the ledge that juts out toward the center platform. Pull up. Turn left to face the center platform.
 Alternate Path from Bi-level Block: Run forward along the bi-level block and jump at the very edge. Grab the high ledge ahead and pull up. Either turn left and run along the ledge onto the part that juts out toward the center platform or, after pulling up, side flip to the left then roll. Lara will now be facing the center platform.
 (3) Take a running jump to grab the center platform. Pull up and take the GEMSTONE PIECE.
[Return to the Colosseum Walkthrough]
Copyright © 2000- - Stellalune (email ). Special thanks are given to the participants in the alt.games.tombraider newsgroup, without whom some parts of this walkthrough couldn't have been written. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced without permission. |