After exploring the LOST LIBRARY and HALL OF DEMETRIUS, you follow Von Croy through a secret door to end up back in the COASTAL RUINS once more.
Drop through the opening in the floor...
...and slide down the ramp into a small pool. On the way down, the chime sounds for a SECRET (53/70).
In the original game, there's danger music here but no actual danger. In the remaster, 2 skeletons (1-2) emerge. (I'll update the screenshots when I get there.) Pick up a large medipack and poisoned arrows on the right side of the room.
You'll also find Von Croy's BROKEN GLASSES on the platform, but these serve no useful purpose, although you do get an achievement/trophy for picking them up in the remaster.
Inside the opening above the platform is a ladder. Jump up to grab it and climb to the top.
Follow the passageway to emerge from of the buildings near the TIDE POOL (marked E on the map of the ruins).
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