If you like, before proceeding to the next level, you can return to Jean-Yves in ALEXANDRIA once more to hear his latest words of wisdom. This exchange is included in the Cinematics section. To get there from the beach and door E, jump into the water and swim around the building ahead on the left.
This channel leads around to door C, which you may have come through from the TEMPLE OF POSEIDON.
In this screenshot, Lara is standing on the ledge in front of door C. You don't need to climb out of the water here, but it's easier to see where to go next. To get back up to the hillside, swim around the right side of the rock formation directly ahead.
This channel leads back around to the left, toward the building with the ramp (B on the map).
Climb out of the pool where the rocks form a flat shelf just below the water's surface.
Head up the rocks toward the ramp. Then climb up on the left, opposite the ramp.
Follow the wall of the building around to the right...
...and jump up onto the sandy ledge (A on the map).
Go through the archway into the building, turn left, and continue up the stairs.
Head for the left side of the drop-off. Turn around and climb down the ladder...
...to the floor. Then climb into the crawlspace to the left of the ladder and crawl through to the other side.
Drop into the pool below.
Swim to the other side and climb out into the doorway. Head up the stairs to the left...
...to emerge at the end of the STREET WITH PALM TREES. Run all the way to the end of the street, turn left, and follow the twisting passageway back to ALEXANDRIA.
Refer to the last section in that walkthrough, REVISITING ALEXANDRIA to get back to JEAN-YVES'S STUDY. Then, when you're finished, retrace this same route to get back to the BEACH area in the COASTAL RUINS. (Refer to these screenshots from the first time through this area if necessary.)
When you emerge outdoors, head up the dunes and around the hill to the southeast.
When you come to the edge of the embankment overlooking the tide pool near the entrance to the TEMPLE OF POSEIDON (C on the map of the ruins), dive into the water and swim around the left side of the building.
Continue alongside the building and around the next corner to get back to the beach where you exited from the HALL OF DEMETRIUS (E on the map).
Now that you've completed the LOST LIBRARY and HALL OF DEMETRIUS, you can enter the next level, PHAROS, TEMPLE OF ISIS, through the underwater tunnel on the left.
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