After speaking with the dying soldier and collecting the MINE DETONATOR BODY, CAR JACK BODY, and HANDLE, press the red button and exit through the door at the top of the ramp.
Crawl into the raised opening...
...for a large medipack. Drop back down to the floor.
Climb the ladder next to the crawlspace.
Follow the passageway to an opening overlooking the garage. Take a standing jump to the bottom of the stairs on the right. (Or, jump forward to grab the bars on the ceiling, traverse to the right, and drop to the stairs.)
Go through the raised crawlspace on the right...
...and drop down into a small room with a padlocked grate in the ceiling. Climb onto the corner block. Open your inventory, combine the CAR JACK BODY and the HANDLE, and use the CAR JACK on the low stone wall to pop the grate.
Pull up through the opening onto the roof.
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