In the POOL BELOW THE STRUCTURE WITH GOLD LATTICES, swim down and pull the underwater lever to open the gate in one corner of the pool. Surface for air if you need it.
Then swim through the gate and follow the passageway.
Just before this passageway ends, there's a grate on the ceiling. It's closed now, but make a mental note of its location as you continue forward into the low-ceilinged room ahead. There are 2 more levers here, directly opposite each other on the side walls. Swim to either lever.
Here, I go for the left one first.
Pull the lever. Then roll...
...and swim straight across the room to the other lever.
Pull it, roll...
...and swim back into the passageway you came from.
Using both levers opened the grate in the ceiling so you can now swim up through it...
...and climb out of the water.
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