Now you need to jump the bike across the second pit, where you found the secret. You may want to use turbo here, but it's not necessary as long as you start far enough back to get up some speed before making the jump.
Continue through the tunnel to an area with several ramps. Make a U-turn to the right onto the base of the first ramp.
Then either use turbo or just speed up in order to jump the small gap in the slope. Make another U-turn to the right to position the bike at the base of the next ramp.
This time, you will need a turbo boost get across the wide gap between the two ramps.
Once you clear the gap, park the bike near the small, gold gate and walk to the edge of the ramp you just jumped on the bike.
Take a running jump across the gap to grab the opposite ramp and pull up.
Turn right and take another running jump to grab the edge of the rectangular opening in the cave wall. Pull up.
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