When you come to an intersection, walk to the edge and then take a standing jump across the sloped duct.
Lara's head will bump the ceiling, but she'll land safely on the other side. Be sure to release Forward so Lara doesn't run on into the moving fan.
If you moved forward at all after landing on this ledge, step back to the edge. Then take another standing jump forward without pressing Action to land on the ledge above the fan. (In the screenshot above it looks like Lara is going to grab the edge, but she actually manages to leap all the way up to the ledge and land on her feet.)
Again, step back to the edge if necessary and take another standing jump forward and Lara will clear the second fan and land on the ledge above it.
Before continuing along the passage, turn around and take a standing jump to grab the edge of the dark alcove above.
Pull up, walk carefully toward the next fan and retrieve SECRET #1, the Jade Dragon.
Turn around and walk back to the edge where you pulled up. Take a standing jump down. This time press Action to lower Lara's arc. . .
. . . so she lands safely on the ledge below.
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Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.