Jump onto the breakaway tile between the two angled blue columns.
This time there's nothing nasty below.
After the tiles break, jump out on the other side.
Step up onto the wooden shelf on the right and turn to face the low, blue wall ahead. Position Lara about 3 steps from the slope to her left. Side flip left onto that slope, slide and jump to grab the edge of the wall ahead.
Traverse to the right. . .
. . . and pull up onto the blue wall.
Copyright © 1998-2025 - Stellalune (stellalune@tombraiders.net). Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.
Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.