Tomb of Qualopec - Doorway with Bird Motif - Raising the Third Gate (part 2)

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After using the second switch to move the first tall block, as shown in the previous section, climb up into the doorway where you first entered this room (east side, above the low ramp).

Tomb Raider I Remastered screenshot
Throw the first switch (the one you passed when you first entered this area)...

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...to reposition the second tall block. Then go through the now open door to the right of the switch (shown in the screenshot with switch 1).

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Climb over the ledges and carefully drop down into the alcove near the second tall block.

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Walk to the edge, hop back, then take a running jump onto that block.

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From there, take a carefully angled running jump over to the first tall block. Remember the technique Lara taught you when she invited you over to work out: Walk to the far left corner of the block. Pivot (turn in place) if necessary to face the other tall block.

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Hop back once. With classic tank controls, you'd press Back/Down once without holding Walk or Jump. This gives Lara the exact distance she needs for the run-up.

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Hold Forward/Up and almost immediately press Jump. She'll run forward and take off at the edge. Release both controls while she's in the air, so she lands on the other block and doesn't run/jump off the edge. Fussy, yes, but it works!

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Now take a final running jump over the spikes into the doorway. (Use the same setup as described above: Walk to the edge, adjust your angle, hop back, run, and jump. You can also press Left while Lara is in the air, if you like, to add a little curve. Tomb Raider physics ain't like real physics.)

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Inside you'll find a third switch. Use it to open the final gate back in the main area.

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Examine the mummy in the corner. If you also took a close look at its twin in the Caves level, you'll unlock the "May They Rest in Ukhu Pacha" achievement/trophy.

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Then jump from the doorway, over the spikes, to the clear floor beyond.

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Ready weapons, save the game if you like, and climb back into the doorway above the low ramp.

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Another velociraptor (6) will approach from the hallway leading back to the main area. One well-placed shotgun blast should kill it, but you can also use pistols and drop back into the block room for safety if necessary. It can't climb down. When it's dead, follow the hallway back to the FOUR-WAY INTERSECTION.

NOTE: If you've managed to avoid being injured by raptors in this level and the Lost Valley, you should unlock the "Clever Girl" achievement/trophy, but it does not happen immediately. You'll have to wait until the end of the level for it to register.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)