Atlantis - Trapped Rooms Beyond Secret #3

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After obtaining secret #3, as shown in the previous section, follow the corridor at the top of the fleshy ramp to another red, see-through door, which opens automatically as you approach then closes as you continue along the passageway.

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Don't use the switch ahead on the right. It's a trap. Rather than opening the next door, it releases a deadly lava flow into into the hallway.

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Instead, ignore the switch and climb up through the opening in the ceiling near the first door.

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Follow the passageway to yet another ledge in the TALL ROOM above the big lava pool. You're almost at the top now, and this time, there's no flying mutant. Take a running jump to the next ledge on the right, pick up 2 sets of Uzi clips (40-41), and enter the passage beyond.

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Advance with weapons drawn. Another mutant (25) emerges at the far end of the room.

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You can try jumping from side to side, but I found this hallway a little too narrow for fluid side flips. If you're struggling, try firing constantly as you advance a few steps, then turn a little, hop back...

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...advance on a different angle, and repeat.

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As long as you keep moving and don't go any farther forward than the uneven floor about halfway along the hallway, all or most of the mutant's projectiles should miss Lara. When it explodes, pick up the Uzi clips (42) lying on the floor.

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Continue to the bottom of the ramp. There are dart pipes on either side, blades in the doorway mid-way up the ramp and, for good measure, a boulder at the very top. This looks a lot more difficult than it is. Without stepping onto the ramp, move into the corner where the ramp meets the wall with the doorway and blades. (Here we're on the left side, but the right works as well.) The darts won't activate yet.

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Turn to face the ramp. Then sidestep toward the wall. You don't need to be too precise. You just want Lara to be out of the way when the darts start flying.

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Vault up onto the ramp...

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...then immediately hop back to avoid the boulder.

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When the boulder rolls by, it disables the blades, but not the darts. So carefully climb back onto the ramp and continue to the top.

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