Down below, Jonah discovers an inscription: "Walk while you have the light."
Grab the wheeled cart and pull it under the beam of light shining from above. The mirror on the cart then reflects the beam onto the lens above the door and it opens.
Follow the light through a cluttered passageway into the next room...
...where the beam of light illuminates the halo on a statue of the Virgin Mary. This represents the third station, "Jesus meets his mother."
Jonah notices that this mirror is a little dusty. Interact with him...
...and he'll give Lara a boost so she can dust off the halo. This opens the barred door below. Follow the light into the next room.
Numerous dangling corpses hint at danger ahead...
...but Lara wades right in, as usual. When she follows the beam of light and pushes the handle in one of the alcoves, it triggers a spike trap, which she narrowly avoids. She comments that this must be station four.
You must now rotate the mirror so it points to the correct alcove. If you like you can just rotate the mirror and figure things out through trial and error, but if you examine the frescoes inside each alcove, you'll notice that the one to the southwest shows Jesus with a woman. If you happen to know the Stations of the Cross (or read the Wikipedia article), you may remember the fourth: "Veronica wipes the face of Jesus." So this is the correct alcove.
(If you point the light at the northeast alcove, where Jesus is shown accepting the cross, then pull the handle there, Lara will be trapped and killed. The southeast alcove contains a previous trap victim, so also not correct. If you point the light there, nothing happens.)
Rotate the mirror so it points to the southwest alcove.
Then go inside and use the handle.
The floor then collapses, dropping Lara and Jonah into the passageway below. Jonah quips, "Station five: Jesus falls a second time." Follow the passageway and squeeze through the cross-shaped opening.
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