Move out onto the jutting rock near the post with the red flag. Wait here for the gusting wind to abate before jumping across the gap to the next climbable wall. If you try to cross while the wind is blowing, Lara will be swept into the canyon. Climb up to the narrow handhold...
...then around the corner to the right, up to the handhold above. Continue climbing to the right as far as you can.
Then jump across the gap in the ledge, on to the right, then straight up to grab the overhanging ledge. Pull up.
Climb onto the ledge where the wooden beam juts out toward the rotating contraption with cloth sails.
Ignore the contraption for now and step out onto the beam...
...which collapses under Lara's weight, causing her to slide down toward the chasm. Just before the end of the beam, jump forward and grapple the climbable wall on the next rocky tower.
Climb onto the ledge above.
Then follow the path around to the left.
At the end, jump over to another rough wall and climb up and around to the left...
...until you can scramble onto the top of the stone pillar.
Now you're on a ledge at the same level as the spinning contraption. You want to cross the stone beam on the right, but the wind prevents you from making it all the way across.
Stand near the rope-wrapped post and watch how the contraption spins each time the wind blows, then stops briefly. When this happens, quickly shoot a rope arrow into the rope coil below one of the arms of the contraption to anchor it to the post. This will hold the thing in place, so the sails act as a windbreak, but only for a little while.
Scamper across the beam as quickly as you can. Jump across the gap, continue to the end, jump again, and latch onto the craggy wall ahead.
Climb up then scramble onto the ledge above.
Then follow the stairs up to the next area.
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