When you emerge from the temple, Lara gets a first look at the Eye of the Serpent, a man-made island in the middle of the rapids. Move to the right and jump over to the climbing wall.
Climb down and around to the left.
When you can't go any farther, jump to the left to grab the narrow ledge on the next rock formation.
Climb along the ledge to the right...
...and around the corner. Axe-climb down another section of craggy wall.
Rappel down to the wall-running area below. Run back and forth and jump to the right to grab the horizontal bar. Swing, jump, and latch onto the next section of climbable wall.
Climb to the left, then downward as far as you can.
When you run out of rock, rappel down to the little island below.
Move to the pointed end of the island and grapple-swing across the gap toward the Eye.
Enter the structure and jump off the jutting ledge to latch onto the climbable pillar extending from the ceiling.
Rappel down then drop into the CENOTE.
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