The path leading to the ABANDONED VILLAGE is just south of the Fishing District Base Camp, near the north end of the river. You may have passed it earlier and spoken to a man who had been attacked by wolves.
Talking to him marks the location of the Black Wolf Den on your map. To reach the village, and the wolf den, enter the jungle just to the left of this man. (This area is also shown on the larger annotated level map.)
The path leads through a muddy area, a narrow opening, and another muddy area, then eventually to the Abandoned Village Base Camp. This is the same area where you found Etzli caught in the snare when you first arrived in Paititi.
Light the fire if you like, then turn around to face the direction you came from. Climb the curving stairs near the camp.
At the top, follow the path forward, jump off the edge, and grapple the dangling quipu for the Dropping Decimals Challenge. (The other quipu locations are included in the main walkthrough and marked on the map with orange dots.)
Head down the steps into the lower village. At the bottom of the steps, turn left.
Climb into the stone building with the rope-wrapped beam in the doorway. (This rope was not here earlier.)
Turn around and shoot a rope arrow into the beam in the doorway of the building across the way.
Then climb the rope line and drop down in the doorway of the other building.
There's a document (18/42) Expedition Report (Yucatec/Inside Out), sitting on the floor. It's very dark here, and Lara refused to turn on her light for me, so please excuse the terrible screenshots.
Don't exit the building the way you came in. Instead, go through the doorway to the east to find a buried survival cache (18/34) and an archivist map (3/7), which will reveal various collectibles on your map. Drop down off the ledge beyond the map to get back the camp where you started.
Return down the stairs to the lower village and turn left again, this time just beyond the second set of steps. If you missed document (1/42), Fawcett's Legacy (Search for the Hidden City), when you first came through this area, get it now. The location is circled above and marked on the map. Continue around the stone wall where the document was... an open area with an altar decorated with skulls. Two nearby huts have barriers across their doors. You may have already pulled down one of them with a rope arrow. Even if you did, check inside again because the gold ore and black powder may have respawned.
Use the ROPE ASCENDER to pull down the other barrier. Inside is a document (19/42) Lopez's Arrival (Subjugating Paititi), a container of black powder, and in a second small room to the left, some jade.
Cross the village to the northwest side. On the left, just before the doorway with the path leading down to the pool, is another rope-ascender barrier. Pull it down and enter the hut to find more jade, a canister of supplies, and another document (20/42), Covering the Tracks (Search for the Hidden City).
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