To get the next relic, grab the medicine ball you used for the challenge and carry it up the ramp to the upper level of the wooden play structure.
At the far end is a section that looks like the crow's nest of a ship.
Toss the ball up there.
The added weight causes the crow's nest to sink partway. Pick up a second ball, which is lying nearby.
Toss it onto the platform as well.
This should cause it to sink all the way so you can reach the box with the relic (2/2), a Family Photo.
If the ball gets stuck and the platform doesn't sink (this happened to me), there's another medicine ball down on the ground, near the rock in the middle of the wooden climbing structure...
...another ball near the green slide...
...and another ball near the corner of the climbing structure with the chalkboard drawing of the White Queen. Grab any of them and try again.
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