When you're ready to go, follow the broken wooden walkway beyond the campfire.
Jump over to the climbable wall on the side of the pyramid.
Climb up as far as possible then jump to grab the wooden bars above. Climb the wooden wall upward...
...and around to the right...
...until you can scramble up onto the wooden walkway.
Cross to the other side and move out onto the jutting branch. As you do, a chunk of stonework plummets past in front of you, revealing a series of stone blocks you can grapple.
Jump out and grapple the lowest of these blocks.
Climb the cable until you can grab onto the protruding stones and pull yourself up onto the ledge.
Jump across the gap onto the walkway with the gilded columns.
When you land, the ledge collapses and Lara begins to slide. Just before the bottom of the slope, jump forward...
...grapple the beam above, and swing around to the climbing wall ahead on the left.
Climb onto the ledge above.
Grab some more resources from the jar sitting here. Then jump off the far side of the ledge and grapple the rough rock above the wall-running area ahead.
[Next | City of the Serpent Walkthrough]
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