Cross the canyon using the cable stretching from the anti-aircraft gun to the massive doors.
Pick mushrooms growing in two places along the left side of this ledge (not shown). Then move to the right side and slide down the cable to the precariously balanced truck.
press Interact for a saving grab.
Then quickly climb around to the left and pull up onto the solid ledge. If you go too slowly, the truck falls into the canyon taking Lara with it.
Move up the slope...
...and push the small cart filled with rocks off the edge.
Stand near the winch and fire a rope arrow into the second cart.
Lara automatically anchors the line to the winch.
Use your axe to turn the crank, pulling the cart up the slope as far as it will go.
Then cut the rope line to send the cart rolling back down the slope toward the truck.
As the cart and truck slide over the edge, the ledge tilts and crumbles beneath you. Lara automatically grabs the edge.
Pull up onto the ledge and move up the slope.
During the mayhem, the second truck that was parked at the top of the slope also slid off the edge, so you can now enter the area behind the wall of ice.
Climb onto the wooden ledge and raid the basket of herbs.
Then use the rope line to cross the canyon once more and re-enter the ruins on an upper level.
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