Soon after you enter, Xolotl reappears. He hits the ground with a powerful pounding attack, but if you watch for the telltale black smoke on the floor. . .
 . . . you can quickly roll away before he lands.
 Then get off as many shots as possible before he jumps up again. Repeat this process until you've depleted his health bar once more.
 He'll then disappear for a while as various other enemies spawn, including lizards and skeletons. . .
 . . . and a giant swamp ogre.
 Try to avoid the pods or, better yet, use them against the enemies as you fight.
NOTE: If you're going for the score challenge, avoid killing the ogre or damaging Xolotl during the second and third phases of the fight. Then the lizards and skeletons will continue to spawn. Try to rack up as many points as you can before moving on.
 Shortly after you destroy the ogre, Xolotl returns with more ground pounding and energy bolts. Again, as soon as you see the black smoke, try to roll away before he lands. . .
 . . . and immediately start shooting. This time, the lizards keep coming as you fight the boss.
 If you run out of ammo or just want to try something different, you can position Lara near a cluster of pods.
 Wait for the black smoke that indicates Xolotl is about to drop down and then quickly roll out of the way.
 When he lands, he'll trigger the pods, damaging himself without your having to fire a shot.
 The next time you take away Xolotl's health, the fire blocking the exit goes out and he flees to the next area.
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