When Xolotl yells, "Face your end!" get ready for an onslaught of spiders. The first swarm emerges from beneath the giant spiked roller. The high powered flamethrower—or even the regular flamethrower—works well here.
 Continue avoiding the pop-up spikes as you toast several waves of large and giant spiders. As before, the blue lights indicate where the spikes will pop up. So, after destroying the first swarm of spiders, move into the clear rectangular area on the SW side of the arena, shown above.
 The second swarm of spiders appears as the spikes pop up.
 When the spikes retract, move to the NE side of the floor. The blue lights again show where the spikes will emerge.
 Stand in the clear area to fight the third swarm.
 Then move back to the NW side of the floor near the giant roller.
 The fourth swarm of spiders emerges from beneath the roller as the spikes rise up on the other sides of the floor. When you've taken care of the fourth swarm, the next phase of the fight begins.
[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Xolotl's Stronghold Walkthrough]
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