The following sequence is also shown in a brief video walkthrough.
 The central structure with the flame jet rotates clockwise at first, so run/roll around the room clockwise, following the flame jet and keeping off the burners near the center. (Rolling is faster than running but you don't want to go so fast that Lara runs into the flame jet.)
 Grab the huge ball and push it to the right onto the nearby pressure pad. This shuts off the flame beneath the golden handle on the opposite side of the trap.
 Let go of the ball and quickly plant a bomb just above and to the left of the pad, right on the skeleton lying on the floor. Don't detonate the bomb yet, though. Continue clockwise around the room, still following the flame jet.
 Pull the first handle (i.e., the one near the entrance) to partially destroy the trap.
 Now the trap begins to rotate counterclockwise, and there are 2 flame jets instead of just one. Detonate the bomb to propel the ball onto the second pressure pad (as indicated by the broken arrow in the screenshot above). Then start to run/roll counterclockwise away from the flames and toward the ball. If the ball didn't land squarely on the pad, quickly roll it into place. This shuts off the flame beneath the second handle on the opposite side of the trap.
 Then continue running/rolling counterclockwise, away from the flame jets, to the handle.
 Pull it to destroy the trap and open the door to the SW.
 If you manage to disarm this trap in less than 30 seconds, you'll earn a Clay Owl Artifact (+ defense, - bomb).
NOTE: If you fail the first attempt at the timed challenge, you can quit, reload and try again as long as you do this before reaching the next checkpoint. Or wait and replay the level later after you've obtained items that increase Lara's speed. Also, after the first time, you can press B to skip the cut scene.
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