At the northern corner of the drained pool, between the entrance to the Second Gateway Crypt and the platform with the gems, you'll find an ammo pickup and a large ball.
 When you grab the ball, a message about the Reward Challenge: Heal the rolling ball flashes on screen and a large pack of lizards attacks.
 You can kill some of the lizards by squashing them with the ball, but you'll soon be surrounded. I recommend moving away from the ball, south toward the crypt entrance so you can fight without worrying about triggering the nearby pods.
 Afterward, return to the ball and roll it south toward the crypt. Position the ball at the base of the wooden ramp, set a bomb behind it. . .
 . . . and detonate the bomb to blast the ball up the ramp.
 Then continue rolling it SE along the wooden road.
 Bomb the ball up the second ramp.
 Then roll it SE between the crumbling walls and out the other side of the ruins to the NE.
 Continue along the elevated path that leads between the now-drained pools. When the path forks at the drained pool with the tall tower, head to the right (E).
 The HEALTH SHRINE you're looking for is just south of the square platform you used to jump across the water to the Second Challenge Tomb earlier. Roll the ball onto the shrine to heal it and complete the challenge. The reward: a HEALTH POWERUP.
 On the level map, the tall tower and the square platform are shown just below the black label indicating the Second Gateway Crypt. The arrows in the map detail above show the path from the ball's orginal location to the shrine.
NOTE: You can also blast the ball up the tiered edge of the drained pool onto the elevated pathway to the west, but this is tricky and, more often than not, the ball overshoots the path and lands in the pit at the base of the tall tower, making it difficult to move without triggering the nearby pods. I found it much easier to use the wooden walkways and ramps.
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