Follow the rickety plank bridge to the NW. After a short cut scene in which Xolotl taunts Lara once more, approach the overgrown ruins. The pods in this area are not active yet. So if you're not doing the time challenge, take a minute to explore this small island gathering gems. Go up the stairs on the left. . .
 . . . circle all the way around back to emerge on the ledge to the right of the big door. Then pull the golden handle to the right of the door.
 Or, if you're trying to beat the 9-minute challenge, don't bother going all the way around back. Instead, just throw a spear into the ledge on the right, climb up and pull the handle.
 Drop down, climb the stairs and pull the second handle to the left of the door.
 Now step on the square pressure pad in front of the door to trigger a cut scene.
 The pods begin to inflate and burst. Looks like a colossal chain reaction is imminent. So when Lara shouts "Run!" you'd better do it.
 Run/roll to the left, up the stairs and around behind the building as fast as you can. If you start moving as soon as the cut scene ends, you should manage to stay ahead of the bursting pods.
 When you round the back of the building, run down the stairs then move down screen to the ledge with the first handle.
 As you do, the big carved door falls open like a drawbridge. Jump from the ledge directly onto the drawbridge and run inside to end the level.
If you finished the level in 9 minutes or less, you'll beat the Reward Challenge and receive a Gold Arrow Artifact (+ weapon).
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