This sequence is also shown in a short video walkthrough.
 Use a bomb to destroy the use a bomb to destroy the rolling ball trap, freeing the huge ball. If you set off the bomb just as the ball rolls around toward the staircase, momentum should then propel the ball down the stairs or off the ledge on the right.
 At this point, you'll see the notice about the 30-second time challenge. Ignore it for now. If necessary, guide the ball down the stairs, releasing it on the way down so it rolls on through the spikes on the level below. Then either go around the spikes or move over a section that is still retracted.
 Depending on where the ball lands after crossing the spikes, either roll it down the next set of stairs or push it off the ledge on either side.
 Try to avoid the pods, but if you do accidentally trigger them, either go around the toxic gas or move aside and wait for it to clear before continuing. There's no hurry at this stage.
 Ease the ball down the last flight of stairs, holding onto it so it doesn't roll onto the next set of spikes. Carefully guide it onto the pressure pad on the left side of the spike field. This opens the gate on the upper level so you can reach the artifact.
 When you return there, a giant swamp ogre and 2 shamans are waiting for you. The shamans are positioned on either side of the staircase leading up to the level where the ball trap was. You can kill them first, without triggering the ogre, if you shoot them from below.
 Then switch to the grenade launcher, climb the stairs and fight the ogre.
 When he falls, wait for the green cloud to disperse and take the Gold Owl Artifact (+ defense) from the alcove on the NW wall.
[Part 2 | Return to the Toxic Swamp Walkthrough or Co-Op Walkthrough]
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