Inside is a huge field of spikes with a shiny artifact sitting the middle. These spikes don't extend when you step on them. Instead, they're controlled by the bull's-eye switch. Shooting the switch retracts certain spikes and extends others, but there's one set that remains retracted in both configurations: It's the 5th tile in the 2nd row from the top left (N) corner. It's circled above. . .
 . . . and here, after shooting the target once.
 If you've already shot the target, shoot it again so the green side shows, rather than the red, and the entire sixth column of spikes is clear (as shown above). Plant a bomb next to the target and then move onto the safe tile.
 Then detonate the bomb to flip the target and rearrange the other spikes. Or shoot the target from the safe tile if you prefer. Now the path to the center is clear, enabling you to reach the Stone Serpent Artifact (+ weapon, + defense, + bomb).
 When you take the artifact, all the spikes retract so you can exit safely.
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