The first LARGE BALL (1/6) is perched atop the tall column. To retrieve it, move carefully around the burners to the left side of the column and plant a bomb on the carved tile at the base of the column. (This tile is actually the top of another column.)
 Go back around to the square pressure pad. Step on it to lower the tall column and raise the other one out of the floor. When the 2 columns are level with each other, detonate the bomb to knock the ball down. Then get out of the way.
 When the ball is moved, a long-haired ogre and 2 skeletons appear in the northern corner. The burners near the columns go out, but you still need to watch out for the falling lava near the entrance as you fight. As usual, be sure to destroy the skeletons' bones with explosives so they don't rise up again.
 To get the AMMO UPGRADE floating above the tall column, roll the ball onto the pressure pad to bring the column down. Drop a bomb next to the ball and climb onto the column.
 Then detonate the bomb to move the ball off the pad and raise the column. Grab the upgrade and drop down.
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