This sequence is also shown in a short video walkthrough.
 Quickly but carefully run forward across a floor lined with burners. An orange glow on the floor provides a little advance warning when one of the flames is about to come on. Try to avoid them, since a full-on flame means instant death. There's a red skull (4/10) ahead on the left.
 The next red skull (5/10) is just a bit farther along on the right.
 Beyond the first set of burners is a section with collapsing tiles with gaps where some tiles are already missing. Lava boulders rise up from the pool below, so run along either side to avoid the large, square gap.
 Then jump across the next two gaps in the middle of the walkway. Remember that holding the jump button will keep Lara in the air just a little longer.
 Beyond the break-away tiles is another stretch of burners. The next red skull (6/10) is on the left side of this section. If you just roll forward along the center-left row of burners, you can grab the skull while staying ahead of the flames.
 After clearing these burners, you come to another area with collapsing tiles. This time there are falling lava boulders as well. One huge boulder drops onto the walkway just as you arrive. Leap across the wide gap it leaves or go around it on the left side, since the next 3 red skulls are sitting along the left side of these tiles.
 As you approach the next red skull (7/10), a boulder destroys the tiles just in front of it. Leap over the gap to snag the skull.
 Then continue forward along the center-left row of tiles. Either jump the next gap or go around it.
 Then jump the following small gap to land on the next red skull (8/10).
 After the 8th skull, make your way to the left edge, either avoiding the gaps or jumping over them. The next red skull (9/10) is on the far left. As you approach the skull, a falling boulder destroys the tile just in front of it. Hop over the gap to get the skull. Four boulders then destroy the entire width of the walkway ahead. Jump that gap and continue forward.
 Now quickly make your way to the right side of the walkway to get the final red skull (10/10).
 Grab the skull, move back toward the center of the walkway and take one final long jump across to the ledge near the exit as the last 2 sets of tiles fall away.
If you've found all 10 red skulls, you'll get the Fist of Tezcatlipoca Relic now (Power Shot, Power Bomb, Ammo Regeneration and Scatter Shot).
 Before running through the exit, blow up the stone coffin.
 Beneath it is the final hidden spider tile (3/3). Step on it to make it glow. If you've located the others as well, you'll beat this Reward Challenge and receive an AMMO POWERUP.
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