From the area where you fought the Spider Queen, follow the walkway to the SE, then NE.
 Climb the stairs and jump across the wide gap to grab the edge of the broken staircase. Pull up and continue to the top.
 Go through the room with the spiked floor and up the stairs to the NW.
 Continue through the anteroom with the 4 spiked tiles and out the other side.
 Follow the walkway straight on to the SW and up the stairs to the triple ball trap area.
 If you look over the edge, you'll see this platform is directly above the one where you defeated the Spider Queen. Move to the far left corner and take a running jump down to the ledge below. The SECOND COUNTERWEIGHT is on the right. That's not the one you want. So head away from it to the left.
 Go up the stairs, hop over the burner with the ball in it and proceed through the room with the first spinning ball trap.
 Climb the stairs to the ledge with the HEALTH SHRINE and Challenge Tomb entrance and continue up the next flight of stairs to the NE.
 Continue along the walkway, hop over another ball-and-burner, go through the room where you were ambushed by spiders earlier.
 Exit the ambush room on the other side, cross the pressure pad that originally opened the door and continue around the corner to the FIRST COUNTERWEIGHT.
 When you jump onto the weight, it sinks farther than before.
 The second weight also lowers so all 3 counterweights are aligned on the same level. When the weights stop moving, jump over to the square pillar on the right to get the Scepter of Cihuacoatl Relic (Ammo Regeneration).
 When you have the relic, jump down to the staircase on the right. It looks too far to jump, but Lara can make it. This is the staircase just below and to the north of the platform where you fought the Spider Queen.
WARNING: In the co-op game the jump from the platform down to the stairs is a little more difficult. You need to time it so both characters jump at the same time. If one character jumps while the other remains on the platform, the jumper won't be able to jump far enough and will die. We learned this the hard way. ;) If it's too complicated, or you don't want to risk dying and losing the points, just jump back across the platforms and ledges counter-clockwise to the top of the stairs.
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