After the cut scene, start up the stairs to the left (NW).
 Unless you're going for the Score Challenge and need every point, don't worry too much about fighting enemies—skeletons and bogmen mostly—or picking up gems. Just go as fast as you can to the top. Avoid or jump over the gaps in the stairs, and watch out for poison pods and rolling balls.
 There's an ogre at the top of the stairs but, again, you only need to kill him if you're after the points. Otherwise, step on the pressure pad to release the giant ball balanced above.
 When it falls, it will squash the ogre. But before that happens, you need to run as quickly as possible back down the stairs.
 Avoid enemies, pods and holes in the floor just as you did on the way up.
 At the bottom, veer onto the walkway to the SW to get out of the way as the giant ball crashes through the wall on the right.
If you've managed to break down the wall within 8 minutes, you'll beat the Reward Challenge and receive the Golden Eye of Cipactli Relic (Power Bomb and Power Speed).
 The boulder should have taken care of all but the skeletons, since they respawn even after squashing. You'll need to shoot them and then explode the remains with bombs.
 Then climb back to the top of the stairs, gathering gems as you go and picking up the health/ammo left by the ogre. At the top, climb up onto the giant hand that held the ball to find an AMMO UPGRADE.
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