Hop up onto urn to the right of the entrance and throw a spear into the NW wall, just to the right of the alcove with the artifact.
 Or, if you accidentally smash the urn, stand on the AMMO CACHE in the lower corner instead and throw the spear from there.
 Plant another spear below the first and use them to reach the red skull (9/10) hovering above. Then smash the urn to get the gem inside.
 Equip the grenade launcher. Aim at the wall to the left or right of the bull's-eye target on the other side of the pit. If you have trouble with this, try aiming with the spear first, so you'll see the yellow dot. Without moving or changing your aim, switch to the grenade launcher.
 Then fire a grenade to bounce it off the wall so it explodes near the target.
 Flipping the target opens the alcove containing the Gold Feather Artifact (+ speed). Replenish your ammunition and return to the main area.
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