Before trying to cross the walkway with the flames and flying arrows to the SE, destroy the arrow trap with your grenade launcher. You can't see the trap from this side, but if you step out into the path of the arrows and launch a grenade across the flame vents, as shown above, you should hit the trap.
 Next, wait for the flames to move off, then step out onto the walkway just far enough to trigger the appearance of a shield demon near the HEALTH SHRINE. Use the grenade launcher to remove his shield. Fight him on this side of the trapped walkway and take any health/ammo he leaves behind.
 Then follow the moving flames across the walkway to the other side.
 Pick up more health and ammo if you need it. Then shoot the fire shaman off to the SE and jump over to the L-shaped ledge where he was standing. Gather some gems and a red skull (6/10).
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