This sequence is also shown in a short video walkthrough.
 When you enter this room, the flames in the entrance and exit flare up, preventing you from leaving. Then a fire shaman and 2 skeletons appear.
In order to complete the Reward Challenge: Sacrifice 3 skeletons to the scorpion crest, concentrate on destroying the shaman first. You can shoot the skeletons so they don't bother you, but don't destroy their bones yet because you want them to rise up again.
 Then climb the stairs to the landing with the scorpion crest on the floor. When you do, 3 more fire shamans appear up here. Don't use explosives to fight them, since you might accidentally destroy a skeleton, preventing you from beating the challenge. I like the high-power, single-shot rifle here because it only takes one shot to bring down a shaman or skeleton giving you a little more control over where the skeletons fall.
 When only the 2 skeletons remain, plant a bomb on the floor tile with the scorpion and lure the skeletons onto it.
 Shoot them so they fall down on the crest.
 Then detonate the bomb to destroy them. (If you can manage to destroy them both at once, that's great. If not, just kill them one at a time.)
 When the first pair has been destroyed, 2 more skeletons appear, one near the scorpion crest, one below. Repeat the process, planting a bomb on the crest, luring the skeletons onto it, shooting them until they fall down. . .
 . . . and then detonating the bomb to destroy them permanently.
 As long as you kill 3 of the 4 this way, you'll beat the challenge and receive a HEALTH POWERUP.
As soon as you've destroyed the third skeleton, whether or not you beat the challenge, a shield demon materializes near the crest. Disarm it with the grenade launcher, as shown in the screenshot above, and then destroy it.
NOTE: If you accidentally destroy some of the skeletons outside the crest area, they won't count toward the reward challenge. If you like, you can quit and continue. The game will reload at the previous checkpoint just outside this room. Then you can try again.
 If you destroy all 4 skeletons before killing the shield demon, that will be the end of the fight. If the 4th skeleton is still alive when the demon falls, 2 more fire shamans appear down below. Deal with them and the remaining skeleton.
 When the fight is over, the flames blocking the doorway to the SE go out and you can exit.
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