This sequence is also shown in a short video walkthrough.
 Wait for the flame to the south to sweep across the nearest round pillar (labeled 1 in the screenshot above) and then jump onto the pillar.
 When the flame passes over the next pillar (2), jump onto it. Then wait for the flame to clear the next pillar to the SE (3) and jump onto it.
 While standing on the 3rd pillar, shoot the bull's-eye target on the right to change the direction in which the flame jets rotate.
 Wait for the flame to pass over the pillar to the SW (4) and then jump onto it. Wait for the next flame to pass over the next pillar to the SW (5), and then jump onto it.
 The 6th pillar is just to the SE. After the flame jet to the right of the pillar sweeps over it, jump onto it.
 While standing on the 6th pillar, quickly shoot the target to the south to change the direction of the flames. The jet to the SE then starts to move clockwise.
 Wait for it to sweep across the pillar to the SE (7) and then follow the flame across the next two pillars (7 and 8) to the one with the HEALTH UPGRADE (9). This pillar is safe.
 When you catch your breath, shoot the target off to the left. This changes the flame jets' rotation so the nearest one begins to move counter-clockwise.
 Wait for it to pass over the nearest column (8) and then jump back onto it. Then follow the flame around to the next column (7), then the next (10), where the red skull (7/10) is located.
 Shoot the target again.
 Then follow the flame on the left across the next two pillars (11 and 12) to reach the exit.
NOTE: In an emergency you can also hang from the edge of any pillar as the flame jet passes above. This can be a little tricky to pull off, though, since sometimes Lara steps off without grabbing the edge.
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