This next room is dominated by a giant spike pit. Pull the golden handle on the upper wall to raise a set of wooden ledges.
 Release the handle and quickly jump across the ledges before the handle retracts and they collapse.
 When you reach the other side of the pit, the wall starts moving. If you don't hurry, it will push Lara and Totec off the edge and into the pit. So quickly collect the red skull (10/10) and as many gems as you can. If you obtained all 10 red skulls, you'll now receive a Stone Arrow Artifact (+ weapon, - bomb).
 Then vault up onto the first two ledges as they extend.
 For the third and fourth ledges, which are higher, have Totec plant a spear so Lara can climb up.
 Then Lara can extend her grapple down to Totec.
 Lara can then back up as Totec climbs the cable so he reaches the top faster. (These screenshots show the third ledge only, but the fourth works the same way.)
 For the highest ledge, have Lara grapple the golden ring so Totec can walk up the extended cable, jump to grab the edge of the ledge and pull up.
 Once Totec is standing on top, he should move to either side, away from the golden ring. Then Lara can grapple him and climb the cable onto the ledge. (If Totec stands directly above the ring, Lara will grapple it instead of him.)
 Then run forward to safety before a falling boulder destroys the ledge. Whew!
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