Have Lara grapple the golden ring on the other side of the spike pit so Totec can tightrope walk across.
 From the opposite side of the pit, Totec can then shoot the bull's-eye target to raise the gate on the right so Lara can go through.
 Once Lara is between the gates, the player controlling Totec should shoot the target again to re-open the inner gate. Then move into the space between the gates himself.
 Throw a spear into the wall.
 Then move out again and shoot the target once more to rearrange the gates. Now Lara can use the spear to reach the HEALTH UPGRADE on the ledge above.
 After Lara climbs back down, Totec should shoot the target to re-open the inner gate. Then throw another spear into the NW wall so Lara can climb onto the ledge at the back of the room to get an AMMO UPGRADE.
 Now have Totec shoot the bull's eye twice so Lara can get back to the other side of the pit.
 She can then grapple the ring once more to allow Totec to cross over the cable. Or just have Lara exit back to the main area and Totec will automatically appear alongside her.
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