The bridge across the chasm to the NE is broken. Use one of Totec's spears so Lara can climb up. (Or have Totec raise his shield to boost Lara up onto the ledge.)
 Then Lara can grapple Totec up onto the ledge.
 Now have Lara grapple the golden ring on the wall above the cluster of pods, move to the outer corner of the ledge and then step off so she ends up hanging below and between the pods, hopefully without setting them off. If they do pop, just wait for the gas to clear before continuing. Climb straight up the cable to snag the HEALTH UPGRADE.
 Swing back and forth above the pods and then jump over them to land on the ledge to the right.
 Once Lara is standing safely on the other side of the gap, she can grapple Totec so he can jump out and climb up.
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