Have Totec throw a spear into the huge, spiked column ahead so Lara can hop onto it.
 Then, while Lara is perching on the spear, have Totec step on the square pressure pad to start the whole column turning. Lara can then ride the spear around to the opposite ledge (NW) and jump off.
 Then have her step on the second pressure pad to lower the column so Totec can leap across.
 Go to the top of the ramp and have either character jump to grab the THIRD COUNTERWEIGHT. Again, his or her weight pulls it down, fully extending the bridge below and retracting the spikes in front of it.
If you manage to extend the bridge 4 minutes or less, you'll beat the Reward Challenge and receive the Two Arrows of Tezcatlipoca Relic (Health Regeneration & Scatter Shot).
 Hop back down onto the ramp. Step on the pressure pad to lower the spiked column again. Then both characters can jump onto it, run across the top and jump back down to the platform on the other side (SE).
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