The first part of the gauntlet of traps consists of a series of pounding blocks. Run forward between them until you're interrupted by a cut scene showing the blocks you've already passed beginning to close. After the first four sets have closed, you regain control.
 Start running/rolling forward (rolling is faster than running) as the blocks close behind you. There are several gems here. With two players, you should be able to get most if not all of them.
 Next comes a section of break-away tiles. If you stop moving, the floor will collapse beneath you. If you're going after the red skulls, the character on the left (here it's Lara) should jump the first gap to snag red skull (7/10) and then veer back toward the middle. If you're just trying to get through without dying, have each player stay on his or her chosen side and keep moving as you jump across the gaps where there are missing tiles.
 Continue forward, jumping the gap that spans all four tiles.
 Then split up to clear the rest of the tiles in this section.
 Beyond the collapsing floor there are 12 more sets of pounding blocks. This time, move forward more cautiously as the blocks ahead of you open.
 After you've cleared the first 4 sets of blocks, the ones behind you start to close again. Keep moving forward. After the 8th set of blocks opens, it will close again before the next set opens. Notice how they shudder slightly before snapping shut. If Lara and Totec don't step back, they'll be crushed. Don't back up too far, though, since the blocks behind close as well.
 When the blocks ahead start to open again, continue moving forward. All but the last set will now open.
 Then the second- and third-to-last sets close again. Be sure to step back out of the way. It's difficult to count blocks as you're running, so when you come to the last three sets of blocks, move back into the safe space between the 4th and 5th sets of blocks from the end, where Lara and Totec are standing in the screenshot above, and wait for the 2 sets just ahead to close.
 After a moment, they'll re-open, along with the last set, so you can run through.
I realize that screenshots are not all that helpful with elaborate moving traps. I don't yet have a video of the trapped hall challenge in co-op mode, but this video walkthrough shows the single-player version, which is very similar, and the last 2 minutes of LraCroft's co-op video shows how it's done without also collecting the skulls.
[Part 2 | Return to the Forgotten Gate Walkthrough]
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