Windows PC Tomb Raider 1 Save Files
The downloads listed below include various save points for each level, including all secrets and following most difficult sequences. These should work with the original CD version, the DOSBox/Glidos installations, and the various downloadable versions (Steam, etc.). Saves for the ATI/GLRage installation are included below. Again, check the Instructions/FAQ for help installing saves in each of these versions.
Each of the downloads linked below includes a 'readme' text file listing the in-game locations for the saves in that level. For a complete list of all 172 TR1 saves, see here.

Hang on! Help is on the way. Download a Tomb Raider savegame file.
Peru Levels
Level 1: Caves (5 KB zip file)
Level 2: City of Vilcabamba (12 KB zip file)
Level 3: The Lost Valley (9 KB zip file)
Level 4: Tomb of Qualopec (9 KB zip file)
Greece Levels
Level 5: St. Francis' Folly (18 KB zip file)
Level 6: Colosseum (12 KB zip file)
Level 7: Palace Midas (17 KB zip file)
Level 8: The Cistern (16 KB zip file)
Level 9: Tomb of Tihocan (11 KB zip file)
Egypt Levels
Level 10: City of Khamoon (10 KB zip file)
Level 11: Obelisk of Khamoon (13 KB zip file)
Level 12: Sanctuary of the Scion (13 KB zip file)
Atlantis Levels
Level 13: Natla's Mines (17 KB zip file)
Level 14: Atlantis (21 KB zip file)
Level 15: The Great Pyramid (14 KB zip file)
Jeff Reid's Complete TR1 PC Saves - Download Link (116 KB zip file) - In addition to saves made throughout the game, this archive includes a file of saves preceding each cut scene, plus patched saves for a few otherwise inaccessible spots in the Lost Valley and Palace Midas levels. A text document with details is included in the download.
Mark Ceccato's Complete ATI Rage TR1 and Unfinished Business Saves - Download Link (38 KB zip file) - This set of saves is compatible with the GLRage installation. The download includes a PDF document with details about each save.
Android Tomb Raider 1 Save Files
Each file includes saves for the beginning and end of each level. Check the included readme.txt file for details and installation instructions. Thanks to Treeble for sharing these.
Tomb Raider Saves - All Levels (40 KB zip file)
Unfinished Business Saves - All Levels (16 KB zip file)
Macintosh Tomb Raider 1 Save Files
Each file includes a selection of saves from all levels.
Peru: Levels 1-4 (6 KB zip file)
Greece: Levels 5-6 (11 KB zip file)
Greece: Levels 7-9 (13 KB zip file)
Egypt: Levels 10-12 (13 KB zip file)
Atlantis: Levels 13-15 (19 KB zip file)
Special Macintosh Archives - The basic archive includes saved games from the beginning and end of each level of Tomb Raider I, with all weapons and unlimited ammunition, and all secrets found. The 'deluxe' archive includes beginning and end points plus various mid-level saves, such as after especially difficult sections and secrets. (Each includes a 'readme' file with details.)
Basic archive (38 KB StuffIt file)
Deluxe archive (181 KB StuffIt file)
PlayStation Tomb Raider 1 Save Files
Each file includes a level-start save for the levels in that chapter, as well as all the preceding levels and the first level in the next chapter, with all secrets found up to that point. So, for example, the Egypt file actually includes level-start saves for levels 1-13. The Atlantis file also includes a final save with all levels and all weapons unlocked.
Peru: Levels 1-4 (16 KB zip file)
Greece: Levels 5-9 (16 KB zip file)
Egypt: Levels 10-12 (16 KB zip file)
Atlantis: Levels 13-15 (16 KB zip file)
NOTE: These saves were made with the PAL (European) region-encoded game using the ePSXe emulator but can also be transferred to a PlayStation console using a memory card and a card reader like DexDrive. For more info, see here and here. Special thanks to Eldin for sharing these files.
All levels (222 MB zip file) - The download includes instructions and details about the location of each save.
NOTE: These memory card saves were made with the original TR1 PlayStation disc. They are PAL (European) region-encoded but can be region changed using the PSXGameEdit converter. Instructions for converting can be found on that site. Thanks to Jason M. for donating this collection.
Unfinished Business Save Files
My PC savegames include various save points for all levels, including all secrets and following most difficult sequences. For a complete list of the 54 saves in this collection, see here. Jeff's files (also for PC and listed below mine) and the Macintosh files also include various save points from each level.
A Note About the PC Saves: According to Philip Campbell, the level designer for Unfinished Business, Lara was intended to start the Atlantis levels with only the pistols. Campbell told Theresa from, "That sets them at the correct difficulty level (i.e., expert)." This group of saves follows his suggestion. Lara begins level 3 with only the pistols. If you want to start with items collected in the previous two levels, download the level 2 saves and start at the end of that level, or download Jeff Reid's saves, which have mucho everything.
PC Shadow of the Cat Levels
Level 1: Return to Egypt (22 KB zip file)
Level 2: Temple of the Cat (24 KB zip file)
PC Unfinished Business Levels
Level 3: Atlantean Stronghold (17 KB zip file)
Level 4: The Hive (15 KB zip file)
Jeff Reid's Shadow of the Cat and Unfinished Business PC Saves - Download Link (87 KB zip file) - Includes a text document with details.
Mark Ceccato's Complete ATI Rage TR1 and Unfinished Business Saves - Download Link (38 KB zip file) - This set of saves is compatible with the GLRage installation. The download includes a PDF document with details about each save.
UselessAssassin's ATI Patched Saves - Download Link (16 KB zip file) - This set of saves is compatible with the ATI patch. It includes one save for each level with all secrets and pick-ups.
Macintosh Shadow of the Cat & Unfinished Business Levels
Mac Egypt saves (16 KB zip file)
Mac Atlantis saves (15 KB zip file)
Android Shadow of the Cat & Unfinished Business Levels
(see above)